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The quarterly ATPC Newsletter aims to serve as a platform for information exchange between the Centre and the trade policy community in Africa and beyond.
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If you wish to publish an article in our Newsletter, please contact us at: eca-atpc@un.org
The second issue of your ATPC Newsletter is finally out. The quarterly aims to serve as a platform for information exchange between the Centre and the trade policy community in Africa and beyond.
Volume 2 – July 2023
It talks in-depth about the three AfCFTA important protocols adopted on competition policy, intellectual property & investment and among other thematic updates.
Lead story: Outcomes of the 2023 AU Summit with “Acceleration of #AfCFTA Implementation” as Theme of the Year
Editorial on how AfCFTA continue to inspire (by Melaku Desta, ATPC Coordinator)
“As the AfCFTA policy organs keep making great strides on the negotiating table and beyond, ATPC is also busy on the ground spreading the word on the AfCFTA...”
Opinion piece on the “the import of imports” & their catalyzing role for AfCFTA implementation (by Andrew Mold, Chief Regional Integration & AfCFTA Cluster,
ECA Office for Eastern Africa)
“The good news is that it is much easier to remove import barriers than promote exports. Some countries are making efforts to identify new markets on the African continent for their export products.”
Volume 1 – February 2023
AfCFTA implementation – the next frontier: ATPC’s enduring role
Lead story by Antonio Pedro, Acting Executive Secretary, ECA
“The next task is the all-important one of translating the AfCFTA from a package of reciprocal legal commitments exchanged between State Parties into concrete national administrative measures, institutions, and practices that confer enforceable rights on private sector participants in every country.”
ATPC at Twenty!
By Stephen Karingi, Director, Regional Integration and Trade Division (RITD)
“Africa Trade Insight is launched at a time when ATPC is preparing to celebrate its 20th anniversary while African trade policy is undergoing a dramatic transformation.”