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Language classes

The United Nations offers language courses in order to promote linguistic balance and multilingualism within the Secretariat and to improve the language capabilities of its staff as mandated by the General Assembly in its resolutions 2480 B (XXIII), 43/224 D and 50/11. The purpose of these courses is to provide staff members with the opportunity to learn the official languages of the Organization and to use them in their work. To further enhance the ability of staff members to perform their jobs with greater competence and to develop their linguistic skills for professional development, special courses that concentrate on a specific skill, such as presentation, reading, report and precis writing and so on, are offered.

The ECA Language Training Programme currently offers Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian from beginner to proficiency level. To standardize the proficiency level throughout the UN, the exams are set at UN headquarters. Proficiency exams are also available in Spanish, Russian and Chinese.

This site is intended for students and prospective students of the ECA Language Training Programme. It is to help you get an overview of the courses and administration of the programme. Feel free to explore the site and download any forms or information you may need.

Furthermore, the ECA Language and Career Resources Centre (LCRC) accepts applications and teaches all the UN Official Languages and Basic Amharic Language Course to participants coming from Diplomatic Missions and International NGOs.

For further information, please contact Mr. Kedir Agraw, the language programme coordinator at email:

Language Class Registration

Language Training Programme at ECA (2nd amendment)