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Network of Land Governance Experts Kicks off Forum in Rabat with Sustainability Review

23 September, 2024
Network of Land Governance Experts Kicks off Forum in Rabat with Sustainability Review

Rabat, 23 September 2024 (ECA) - The African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) is holding, in partnership with the Hassan II Agronomic and Veterinary Institute (IAV), the Second International Knowledge Exchange Forum on Land Governance (NELGA) and the Africa Review of NELGA on 23-27 September 2024 in Rabat, Morocco.

This year’s edition of the forum will take place under the theme: “Geo-Intelligence: Smart Land Governance for Resilient Territories.” Scientists, professionals and political decision-makers will discuss topics such as sustainable land governance, South-South cooperation and technology transfer in land policy and geo-intelligence tools and best practices in sustainable land policy for the development of resilient territories.

The work being done by NELGA aligns with the provisions of various continental and global frameworks that guide the ECA and African Union Commission mandates in Africa. The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) aims to promote scientific research, and research on issues that affect land governance and management, including their technical, legal, social and economic aspects. 

“Our ultimate goal is to help countries align with the continental strategies of the AU and ECA, at both the national and regional levels," said Moha El-Ayachi, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree program of Geospatial Science and Land Governance at IAV at a pre-event of NELGA Coordinators. The pre-Forum reflections were aimed at refining the plans for sustaining NELGA activities beyond the project phase.

“Recognizing the critical capacity needs of Africa’s land sector, ECA appreciates the invaluable role that NELGA continues to play in advancing good land governance in Africa and reaffirms its commitment to support the work being done with universities, including on land governance curricula, research projects, and networking initiatives”, said Adam Elhiraika, Director of the ECA Office for North Africa.

The African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) is a joint programme of the tripartite consortium consisting of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the African Development Bank and the African Union Commission. ALPC was created to enable the use of land as a catalyst for African development.

The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) is an ALPC initiative that aims to provide a platform for discussion and exchange for land management and geospatial science experts in Africa. The forum is designed to address land governance challenges and share skills and knowledge of scientific and professional interest.

Participants at the forum will have an opportunity to share their expertise, knowledge and experience in the fields of geospatial sciences, land governance, land policy and sustainable development. All scientific papers will be published in the Forum proceedings, and peer-reviewed papers with scientific, professional and institutional added value will be published in the “African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences” November 2024 issue.

Ahead of the Geo-Intelligence: Smart Land Governance Forum for Resilient Territories, the NELGA nodes discussed ways in which NELGA can remain sustainable in the coming years, building on ongoing successes and leveraging communication tools and to strengthen visibility and partnerships. 

Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
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