8 June 2022
Revitalization: collective action for the ocean
The annual World Oceans Day marked on 8 June, is a day for humanity to enhance collective action for the sustainable management and protection of oceans.
On World Oceans Day 2022, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), advocates for Africa’s oceans to be protected from pillage, piracy and illicit trade of marine species.
Oceans, seas and marine resources contribute directly or indirectly in the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Great Blue Wall therefore offers a unique opportunity to accelerate implementation of the SDGs
Today, oceans sustainability is threatened by challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Most African countries have demonstrated a strong commitment to revitalizing conservation, the sustainable use of their marine resources and a transition towards sustainable blue economies using multilateral legal frameworks.
Countries lack the capacity to mobilize financial resources and other intangible assets on fair and reasonable terms, which are necessary to translate sustainable development strategies into transformative actions. The ability to efficiently utilize resources is also inadequate.
ECA together with its partners, supports African countries to revitalize institutional capacities to enforce marine management laws and regulations;
ECA, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other partners are taking collective action for the ocean through the Great Blue Wall initiative to facilitate regional integration, climate resilience, coherence of coastal plans, as well as the restoration and resilience building for sectors such as coastal ecosystems, blue carbon markets, ecotourism, fisheries, food processing and disaster risk management; The objective is to protect the Western Indian Ocean. Find out more at: https://www.greatbluewall.org
At the 2022 UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, ECA and IUCN promote The Great Blue Wall to expand ocean conservation through locally-led marine areas, towards achieving the 30x30 biodiversity target and increasing the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems in a way that works for both nature and people: https://www.greatbluewall.org/news/gbwatunoc-pt1/
ECA and IUCN at the UN Ocean Conference: Great Blue Wall – Accelerating ocean conservation and development of a regenerative blue economy in the Western Indian Ocean region: https://www.greatbluewall.org/news/gbwatunoc-pt1/
The Great Blue Wall further aims to revitalize regional collective action for the oceans, including on the surveillance of illegal activities, such as the smuggling of wildlife and unsustainable use of resources.
To leverage the benefits of the Blue Economy, African countries should accelerate efforts to protect and conserve Africa’s vast oceans. Read more at: https://archive.uneca.org/publications/africas-blue-economy-policy-handbook
Oceans, seas, lakes and rivers are considered as Africa’s “New frontier for renaissance”. The Great Blue Wall initiative launched by ECA in partnership with IUCN is an opportunity to move towards a nature positive blue economy for enhanced climate resilience.
Oceans, seas and marine resources contribute directly or indirectly in the achievement of all SDGs. The Great Blue Wall therefore offers a unique opportunity to accelerate implementation of the SDGs.