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Greening the textile and wood value chains in Zambia to help fight climate change

10 October, 2024
Greening the textile and wood value chains in Zambia to help fight climate change

Lusaka, Zambia, 10 October 2024 (ECA) - “The workshop is meant to validate the Green Supplement to Zambia’s National African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Strategy, which is designed to develop value chains in the cotton and wood sectors in a sustainable and climate-resilient manner. These sectors are vital to Zambia’s export strategy under the AfCFTA and greening them is crucial for their competitiveness and long-term growth. We will explore innovative solutions from sustainable farming practices to eco-friendly manufacturing and the use of renewable energy that can help us reduce our carbon footprint and build resilience against climate change”, said Mr. Simmy Chapula - Director Coordination and Delivery, Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI).

He was speaking on behalf of Ms. Lillian Saili Bwalya, Permanent Secretary (MCTI), when he officially opened the two-day validation workshop on, “the Green Supplement to the Strategy for the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement”, held from 8 to 9 October 2024 in Lusaka. The workshop was organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa - Africa Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) and the Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa (SRO-SA) in collaboration with MCTI.

Mr. Mzwanele Mfunwa, Acting Chief, ECA Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa (SRO-SA) delivered the welcoming remarks on behalf of the Director, Ms. Eunice G.  Kamwendo. He underscored that,  “ECA is aiming at integrating green and climate-conscious policies into AfCFTA implementation strategies and supporting Zambia and member States in the region to factor into trade policy, industrial policy, infrastructure development, energy policy, sustainable dimensions and help governments position themselves to leverage the opportunities that the global transition towards a green economy will unleash”.

Mr. Souleymane Abdallah, ECA Economic Affairs Officer, ATPC presented the objectives of the workshop and clarified that the aim of the Green Supplement is to provide strategies and actions for developing green value chains for exports to African markets. To promote long-term competitiveness and sustainability of these value chains, the Green Supplement strategy and action plan also contain measures to foster climate adaptation and promote green growth transitions in line with national development priorities.

The workshop mobilised  participants from MCTI, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture,  Zambia Revenue Authority, Cotton Development Trust, Cotton Board of Zambia, German Development Agency (GIZ), Zambia Environment Management Agency, Zambia Development Agency, Natural Resources Development College and The Copperbelt University among others to comment, analyse and make recommendations  on the Cotton and Textiles Value Chain and the Wood Value Chain Strategies presented by ECA Consultant Dr. Samuel Bwalya.

The recommendations would be incorporated into the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategies as Green Supplements, aligning with Zambia’s national priorities. The validation workshop achieved its objectives of enhancing the understanding of challenges and opportunities for Zambia to develop green value chains in the context of the AfCFTA with attention to cotton and textiles and wood and wood products; strengthened stakeholder dialogue on opportunities to develop sustainable and green value chains in Zambia and enriched complementarities across the policy documents of Zambia in relation to trade and AFCFTA (National Export Strategy, National Green Strategy and National AfCFTA).

In closing remarks, the MCTI and ECA representatives respectively reaffirmed the commitment of both parties to foster implementation of Zambia’s National AfCFTA strategy and reiterated the strong partnership between UNECA and MCTI.  The ECA representative, Ms. Bineswaree Bolaky, Economic Affairs Officer, mentioned that the Green Supplement will be finalized by end of this year after integrating the stakeholders’ inputs at the workshop. This workshop is part of a technical assistance implemented by UNECA, in collaboration with the United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD), funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), to identify green value chain opportunities and climate adaptation needs across 19 African countries and five regions, including Zambia.

Issued by:
The Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa
UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
P.O. Box 30647, Lusaka, Zambia.

Media Contacts:
Ms. Lavender Degre,
Communication Officer,
Tel: +260 211 228502/5 Ext. 21307
DL: +260 211 376607