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ECA's footprint in member states felt in policy, consensus-building and technical advisory services

17 March, 2025
ECA's footprint in member states felt in policy, consensus-building and technical advisory services

Addis Ababa, 17 March 2025 (ECA) - The Economic Commission for Africa’s footprint was visible in almost all member states during the past year and on the global stage where it helped to amplify Africa’s voice in the global arena.

In his update to delegates at the Experts segment of the 2025 ECA Conference of Ministers, Said Adejumobi, Director of the Strategic Planning, Over-sight and Results Division, said the organization had chosen to focus on macroeconomic policy and development financing, regional integration, diversification and industrialization, infrastructure and energy, technology, innovation and connectivity, as well as climate action and food security, as it continued to support African countries to grow their economies.

He noted that strategic interventions had been made through policy-based knowledge, consensus-building building and technical advisory services.

There was also policy support to some member countries “to strengthen their capacity to uncover illicit activity in the area of taxation and uncover illicit financial flows, enhancing the fiscal capacity of local governments to promote financial sustainability and advance the modernization of African cities”.

It had conducted feasibility studies for guarantee facilities and alternative financing options.

“We also supported a number of member states to reform their legal and regulatory frameworks in the financial sector.”

ECA also continued to support the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. “In 2024, we supported five countries in developing their strategies, making that a total of 37 to-date.

A new element to the AfCFTA focus of the ECA was working with 14 member states to develop green supplements for their national AfCFTA strategies,” Adejumobi reported, adding that ECA’s work included helping some countries to align their national industrialisation policies with sub-regional strategies.

In addition, ECA developed a regional value chain programme set for implementation from 2025 to 2027. It also helped countries to update national development plans as well as enhanced their capacity to track progress on the SDGs and Agenda 2063 and integrate them into national development plans.

On the global stage, the ECA participated in advocating the reform of the global financial architecture through the Africa High-Level Working Group on the Financial Architecture and at the Summit of the Future. It is also supporting South Africa in its role as chair of the G20.

Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 551 5826