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Claver Gatete’s intervention on behalf of the Regional Commissions on Building capacity and resilience in times of crises and transition

16 July, 2024
Claver Gatete’s intervention on behalf of the Regional Commissions on Building capacity and resilience in times of crises and transition

HLPF 2024 - Action Points

ES Claver Gatete’s intervention on behalf of the Regional Commissions on Building capacity and resilience in times of crises and transition


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, all protocols observed

Thank you for your attention today. The journey towards achieving the SDGs in Africa, LDCs, and LLDCs worldwide has faced significant setbacks. The impacts of cascading crises—from climate change shocks to the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and transnational conflicts—have slowed progress and, in some cases, caused regression. It's clear that enhancing each country’s resilience to these challenges is now more urgent than ever, both domestically and regionally.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to share the collective recommendations from the Regional Economic Commissions on the critical actions needed to bolster resilience, drive structural change, and accelerate SDG progress across African countries, LDCs, and LLDCs.

First, we must enhance our countries' capacities to anticipate and withstand crises. This includes proactive development strategies, pandemic preparedness, early warning systems, and robust social protection measures.

Second, amidst global economic uncertainties, we need strategies that foster long-term productivity through entrepreneurship and innovation as a basis for lifting the trend growth. Africa being the second fastest growing region globally (after developing Asia), with its vast potential, requires targeted industrial policies to create jobs and diversify exports. Making the most of Africa’s strengths from natural resources to youthful population will require a fundamental shift in countries’ policy and planning processes as well as much greater and more effective involvement of the private sector and development partners.

Third, climate resilience is paramount. Given the rise in extreme weather events, countries, especially LDCs and LLDCs, must diversify transport to improve connectivity, adopt clean energy, and strengthen statistical capabilities for informed decision-making during emergencies.

Furthermore, infrastructure projects must respect consultation mechanisms as per ILO Convention 169 to protect indigenous communities. We call on UN system and development partners to support these crucial initiatives, including formalizing the LLDC Group under the UNFCCC, and improving access to climate finance for LLDCs.

Moreover, conflict-affected LDCs in Africa and beyond need integrated humanitarian and development support, focusing on productive investments and essential social services.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

In conclusion, let me underscore that financing sustainable development is urgent. We urge collaboration among regional economic commissions, member states, and development partners to align recovery efforts with the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, ensuring inclusive and resilient development.

Thank you once again for your attention and commitment to these crucial actions.