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The Renovation Plan

The need to rejuvenate the Africa Hall building was identified by the Member States in 2008, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).

ECA, with support of national and international experts, completed the feasibility study and the concept design in 2014. The 70th session of the UN General Assembly approved the renovation Project, entrusting ECA of the implementation.

The cost of the Project is estimated at 56.9 Million USD. The renovation Project is Currently under implementation and it is expected to be completed by 2024. The Project counts with the Support of UNESCO, the African Union and the Government of Ethiopia. Member States, Public Institution and the private sector are encouraged to provide voluntary contribution.

 Information Note

Africa Hall Renovation Project Information Note

 Executive Summary

 Africa Hall Project, Executive Presentation, 9th August 2018

 Design Reports 

Equitable Access 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 

 Voluntary Contribution

Preliminary Options (brainstormed by the PM) for the Voluntary Contribution to the Africa Hall Project 

A call for contribution by Member States

 Project Organization

Organization Chart – Africa Hall Project Team 

Africa Hall Renovation Project --Governance Structure


The Africa Hall Renovation Project

Annimation Video 

 Full Playlist on YouTube 

The Africa Hall Project