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Integrated National Financing Frameworks & Open Budgets for Sustainable Development in Africa

 Integrated National Financing Frameworks & Open Budgets for Sustainable Development in Africa
27 September, 2022 to 30 September, 2022
Abuja, Nigeria

The four-day regional workshop, conducted within the framework of the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) Facility and the regional budget transparency initiative, will bring the African INFF community of practice together with other senior decision makers to share ongoing experiences in drafting Financing Strategies, setting up SDG Financing Dialogues and implementing open budget reforms. The event will also discuss emerging topics – disaster risk management and the green/climate agenda, fiscal decentralization, fostering a human-centred and green recovery amidst multiple shocks (the pandemic, climate events, conflict, macroeconomic volatility, fiscal austerity), etc.

Workshop goals

1. Strengthen the INFF capacities of government officials, UN staff and other stakeholders with special focus on setting up SDG Financing Dialogues, developing Financing Strategies and promoting budget openness.3

2. Promote knowledge-sharing among countries, including brainstorming around lessons learned and the dos and the don’ts.

3. Generate a regional dialogue around emerging trends and issues that affect the rollout of INFFs and open budget reforms.

Concept Note  [ English ]  [ Portugeese

Event Report  

Event resources

Day 1

Development Financing Stage 

Financing Outlook in Africa Presented by Gamal Ibrahim  

2022 State of INFFs - Sub-Saharan Africa 

Inception Phase - Roadmaps

INFF Phase 1: Botswana 

Communication on the implementation of the National Integrated Financing Framework (INFF) in Burkina Faso: Exchanges on the process 

Presentation of the status of DFA/EFD implementation in Guinea

Financing Strategies

Development Financing Strategy of the Union of the Comoros

Malawi Experience in Drafting the INFF 

Integrated National Financing Frameworks: The Nigeria Experience 

INFF experience in Tanzania 

Financing Strategies for the SDGs

Day 2

Climate and INFF 

Unlocking climate finance to implement NDCs, Jean Paul Adam, ECA  

National Integrated Financing Frameworks and Open Budgets for Sustainable Development in Africa, Ministry of Budget and Public Accounts, Gabon

Gabon and the "Beyond Oil" SDGs: National Integrated Financing Framework for a Rapid and Sustainable Transition from the Brown to the Green Economy.

Integrating Climate into the INFF Process, UNDESA 

Unlocking Private Capital

SDGS Investment Fairs –Pipeline Building -Successful Case of Ghana

Rwanda Financing for Transformation

Accelerating SDG Investments Across AFRICA

Debt Management and Instruments

SDG Bond Issue and Restructuring of the Debt of Benin

Context Matters : Cabo Verde

Debt Management and Debt Instruments (Diaspora and Green Bonds) 

Zambia’s Experience in Debt Restructuring

Tax Reforms

Evidence based DRM reforms building on qualitative and quantitative research, Farzana Sharmin

Tax equity and transparency can boost DRMs to finance SDGs

Financing Sustainable Development with a Focus on Domestic Resource Mobilization: Rwanda Case

Tax for SDGs The case of Tanzania

Local Finance

Subnational Financing & Localizing INFF

The Devolution Project in Kenya

Building the SDG Ambassadors at district level in Sierra Leone

Day 3

Building the SDG Ambassadors at district level in Sierra Leone

The Open Budget Survey (OBS) Methodology

Reforms and Innovations to Improve Budget Openness for Sustainable Development 

BudgIT’s Contribution to Open Budget Reforms 

Day 4

Action Planning to Enhance Budget Openness and Investment in Human Capital and a Green Recovery

INFF Action Plan Template