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Global Financial Architecture Reform Discussed in Rabat

11 July, 2024

Rabat, 11 July 2024 (ECA) The Moroccan Ministry of Economy and Finance is hosting in collaboration with the United Nations System in Morocco and the support of the ECA, a discussion panel on the reform of the global financial architecture on Friday 12 July 2024, in Rabat (Morocco).

This debate will contribute to preparations for the Summit of the Future, scheduled to take place in New York on 22-23 September 2024. Discussions will focus on the UNSG Policy Brief No. 6 which outlines the creation of a more inclusive global financial system that can facilitate SDG implementation.

The panel will feature prominent speakers, including ECA Deputy Executive Secretary Hanan Morsy, Moroccan Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget H.E. Fouzi Lekjaa, UN Resident Coordinator for Morocco Nathalie Fustier, Director of the ECA Office for North Africa Adam Elhiraika and German Ambassador Robert Dölger whose country is co-facilitating the Summit of the Future. Other speakers will include officials and representative from the Moroccan Ministry of Finance, the National Bank (Bank Al Maghrib), the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM), the World Bank and the African Development Bank and the Policy Center for the New South.

EVENT : Discussion panel on the reform of the global financial architecture
DATE : Friday 12 July 2024, starting at 9 am
LIEU : Ministry of Economy and Finance, Amphitheatre – entrance D