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Liberia NDC revision webinar

Delivering Climate Resilient Development Policies in Africa
25 November, 2020

Liberia is in the process of revising its NDC, and is holding stakeholder consultation meetings across the country. These are physical face to face meetings.  So far 8 meetings have been held.      The intention is to raise the ambition of the NDC as well as to bring in sectors which were not part of NDC 1 – Agriculture and Forestry, short lived pollutants, natural solutions and green corridors. Current partners supporting the process include UNDP (on the climate process), Conservation International (Natural Solutions); Irena (Energy); and the EU which is building on its long term support to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) on waste, transport and energy.

The next steps in the NDC revision process will focus on i) Consolidation of information from the stakeholder consultations and technical meetings; ii)  Recruitment of a technical expert to compile the revised NDC; and iii) Printing and dissemination of the NDC. Liberia requires support from ACPC on these three next steps.

Specifically, ACPC will provide technical support in the form of a methodological framework to guide the compilation of the revised NDC, convene together with EPA a stakeholders meeting to present the revision framework and ensure that there is shared understanding of the NDC as an integrative tool for mainstreaming climate change in development, support engagement of a technical expert to compile the NDC, and support printing and dissemination of the revised NDC.


Supporting the Enhancement of NDCs Ambition in Africa - Liberia

Africa NDCs Revision Methodological Framework