African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP)

Structuring, Analysis and Monitoring – Evaluation of Mining Projects
Structuring, Analysis and Monitoring – Evaluation of Mining Projects
Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Digital Economy
Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Digital Economy
The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility AFRI-RES (Training Packages I & II)
The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility AFRI-RES (Training Packages I & II)
The imperatives of Economic Transformation in Africa
The imperatives of Economic Transformation in Africa
Africa Macroeconomy Day 2024
Africa Macroeconomy Day 2024
Dakar, Senegal
Training program on “towards an effective african continental free trade area (AfCFTA)
Training program on “towards an effective african continental free trade area (AfCFTA)
Social policy for development planners in a context of uncertainty and crises
Social policy for development planners in a context of uncertainty and crises
Managing risks in a context of uncertainty and crises
Managing risks in a context of uncertainty and crises
High level conference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of IDEP
High level conference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of IDEP
Addis Ababa (hybrid)
Cross-Border E-commerce in Africa: Benets, Barriers and Businesses with a focus on Portuguese speaking Countries
Comércio electrónico transfronteiriço em África: Benefícios, barreiras e negócios com enfoque nos países de língua portuguesa
Enhancing Africa’s trade performance: towards an effective implementation of AfCFTA
Enhancing Africa’s trade performance: towards an effective implementation of AfCFTA
Data literacy for librarians and information professionals for accompanying development in Africa
Data literacy for librarians and information professionals for accompanying development in Africa
Call for Applications and Nominations
Call for Applications and Nominations
New approaches to sustainable development planning
New approaches to sustainable development planning
Online Training