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Building Capacity and Exploring Resources for implementing STI4SDGs Roadmaps

8 octobre, 2024
Building Capacity and Exploring Resources for implementing STI4SDGs Roadmaps

Co-organized by DESA and ECA, October 8-9, 2024 

Addis Ababa, 08 October 2024 (ECA) - The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Council are hosting a Workshop on Building Capacity and Exploring Resources for implementing STI4SDGs Roadmaps. The workshop seeks to look at how STI roadmaps can serve as a catalyst for sustainable development and the SDGs.

The workshop was graced by His Excellence Yeshurun Alemayehu, the State Minister of Innovation, Technology and Digital Economy, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Her Excellency Leslie Olivia, the Ambassador of Ireland to Ethiopia and other senior leaders drawn from the public and the private sector in Africa, Asia, Europe and United States of America, among others.

Representing ECA, Mr Robert Lisinge, OiC of Technology, Innovation, Connectivity and Infrastructure Development Division, highlighted that the world is facing numerous crises that threaten to derail the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development.

These include 429 million people living below the poverty line; 60% of youths in Africa are out of school with 420 million being unemployed, 600 million without access to electricity; a third of African population have access to the internet at a time when digital is transforming every aspect of society and climate change is wiping out 2-5% of Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

He called on experts to devise the tools for science, technology and innovation policy making that can help countries address interlinked complex challenges. In this regard, he called for innovative, adopted multipronged approaches and policies likely to deliver greater impact at scale to achieve the sustainable development goals.

The workshop noted the importance of new and emerging technologies in increasing productivity and efficiency while reducing waste and environmental impact; the need to ensure policies reduce inequalities; called for increased investment in research and innovation in the private and public sector.

While recognizing the important role the STI4SDGs Roadmaps in setting clear policies that are informed by local knowledge, there was a call for increased inclusivity especially of women and youths, alignment with national development plans and international agenda to promote learning.

The two-day workshops aims to contribute towards 1) gathering information, national and regional experiences to inform the second version of the Guidebook for developing Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmaps; 2) exchange of knowledge in mobilizing resources for implementing STI policies and 3) improve the design of the upcoming STI4SDGs Roadmaps for Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau and Soa Tome and Principe   

The workshop is supported by Future Africa (South Africa), European Commission Joint Research Centre, International Science Council (ISC), Africa-Europe Science Collaboration and Innovation Platform (AERAP), and the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) of China as well as the World Federation of Engineering Organization

Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 551 5826
E-mail: eca-info@un.org