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ECA Directors trained in Results-Based Management (RBM)

29 juin, 2024
ECA Directors trained in Results-Based Management (RBM)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,29 June: 2024 (ECA) - The ECA Senior Leadership Team (SLT) has completed a two-day training on Results-Based Management (RBM) to improve their organisational capacity and efficiency in modern programme administration.

The training programme focused on Results-Based Management (RBM) principles, including result-based planning, monitoring, and reporting. It also involved group discussions, practical exercises, and the use of practical tools.

The training, which was held from June 28 to 29 in Addis Ababa, was themed "Promoting a culture of results orientation in ECA."

The participants were directors of the various departments of ECA including Macroeconomics and Governance, Regional Integration and Trade, Private Sector Development and Finance, Data and Statistics, Technology, Climate Change, Natural Resource Management, Gender, Poverty, and Social Policy. Additionally, there were directors from the ECA’s five subregional offices: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa.

The training is part of a series of training programmes on Results-Based Management (RBM) organised by the Strategic Planning, Oversight, and Results Division (SPORD) for various categories of ECA staff.

The ECA Executive Secretary, Mr Claver Gatete, described the programme as very important and crucial because it will increase the capacity of the directors to plan and deliver more effectively and facilitate increased performance by the organisation. . He called for its continuation in subsequent years.

In his closing address on Saturday, Mr Gatete praised the directors for their active participation in the training and highlighted the valuable peer-to-peer learning and engagement that characterised the sessions.

Antonio Pedro, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECA, who earlier opened the meeting on the first day, commended SPORD for initiating the training and developing the Project Management Manual for ECA.

He was optimistic that the training would enhance the managers' capacity to initiate and undertake transformational projects and equip them with the skills and capacity to demonstrate the results of ECA projects.

Said Adejumobi, Director of SPORD, emphasised that directors have a crucial role in achieving ECA's goals, adding that the current development of shrinking resources required well-executed thought-out programmes with the expected outcomes and results, hence the need for them to appreciate and have a thorough understanding of the RBM.

He encouraged the managers to utilise the skills and knowledge gained from the training to effectively support program designs in their respective divisions and to equally oversee implementation for the intended results and impact, adding “that is the only way we can further demonstrate our value as a regional organisation to member states.” 

Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa
PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 551 5826
E-mail: eca-info@un.org