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Stakeholders Dialogue on Digital ID and Disruptive Technologies in Africa

22 mai, 2023
Nairobi, Kenya


The African Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa acknowledges that identity forms the basis of human activity and further supports Agenda 2063 on the Africa we want. Yet, many African citizens presently have no legal means even on the backdrop of the strategy, which came into force in 2020, aims to ensure that 99.9 % of the people in Africa have digital legal ID as part of the civil registration system by 2030 and strategy to support a single digital market.

In this context, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), as a mandate of its policy and research activities, aims to provide a platform for policy exchange and experience sharing while identifying policy priorities within the Digital Identity context with cross-cutting themes in Member states.


The Digital Centre of excellence at ECA will bring together stakeholders including government institutions representatives, policymakers, private sector, civil society organisations and other stakeholders for an evening of policy dialogue and experience sharing in the implementation of good digital ID framework, policies  principles and  practices  that align with the continental Digital Transformation Strategy. 

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the regional workshop will accomplish the following:

  • Contextualize tech and trends in the Digital Identity work
  • Benchmark on best
  • Policy priorities set and recommendations on project next steps.
  • Convene a multi-stakeholder community of practise on digital identity within the African Continent.

Date and Venue

The ID4Africa event happens in Nairobi, Kenya on 23-24 May 2023, In view of this, the Dialogue will take place at Boma Hotel on 22nd at 6:30-8:30pm The targeted participants will be at this regional and premier identity event.

Proposed Participants

This dialogue will target 40 participants from across Africa.  the following list of institutions will be invited for the event;

  • Ministries of interior and immigration, ministries of communication, ministries of (cyber)security and nationality affairs offices of respective member States.
  • Data Protection Commissions of respective member States, National Identity Management offices and respective National ID Programme offices
  • Ministries of Justice, Offices of Attorney Generals Offices and Civil Registrar offices.
  • Stakeholders form financial institutions, information institutions, cybersecurity institutions and telecommunication companies.
  • Key regional institutions and partners such as the African Union and Smart Africa, and AfricaNenda, AfCFTA secretariat.
  • Bilateral and multilateral institutions engaged in Good Digital ID implementation support such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GIZ, World Bank, Omidyar Network
  • Civic society and research institutions such as ACCESS NOW, Lawyers Hub and CIPESA

Link to the Concept Note and Programme of Work