The African Centre of Statistics (ACS) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in collaboration with UNCTAD and ESCWA, will hold a StatsTalk-Africa webinar series entitled Quantifying South-South cooperation with data of the Southon 19 December 2023 from 11:00 to 12:30 EAT via Zoom’s platform.
The webinar will explain the new SDG Indicator 17.3.1 on south-south cooperation and the framework for its measurement as well as ongoing efforts to consolidate existing knowledge in a Manuel and foster its wide implementation.
The StatsTalk-Africa is a monthly webinar series being organized by the UNECA-ACS to demystify and provide a space for dialogues on data, statistics, and innovative techniques and tools among data experts and users with within ECA, Africa and rest of the world. Demystifying and unpacking statistical concepts mean that Stats Talk will have experienced speakers and practitioners from the region and across the globe.